Cement -based bulk floors are a composition consisting of, of course, cement, sand, plasticizer and lime. They can be used both for self -leveling and for alignment and polishing of floors, the thickness of which does not exceed 20 cm. They can serve as a coating that is not applied in the conclusion of all the work, that is, the finish. Their most important advantage is the factor that each individual person in a dry form can acquire them. Independently, these work is done, cannot. Such cash floors can be used not only for internal, but also for external work. Moreover, according to the level of alignment, they can be classified into various types. For example, for deep alignment of the floor. They are intended to align its surface in order to exclude the occurrence of all kinds of irregularities. There are also dry construction consistency for finishing alignment. But, before applying such a layer, a thorough alignment of the entire floor surface will always be required. It is important to remember one very important point that all work that will be carried out using cement -based bulk floors should be carried out at a temperature of at least 10 degrees and not higher