Nowadays, when various home interior styles have developed, wallpaper with a non -standard pattern are of great popularity. So, the wallpaper of the “rustic” style can depict brickwork, and it is precisely low -quality bricks, with all chips, potholes and layers of plaster between rows. Another drawing of wallpaper can simulate, for example, natural wood (wooden panels or log walls).
What you will use for the wall will ultimately affect the interior of the apartment. And creating an interior in the apartment is not a simple thing. Interior design is better to order from professional designers.
However, you can invent quite radical options. One of them has gained popularity from amateur musicians: a room allotted for rehearsals is glued with egg boxes: the material from which they consist is a good sound insulator. Another option, purely aesthetic, involves the design of the wall using electronic boards-you get an original solution in the high-tech style. Together with boards, their schemes on paper, instructions, operating manuals, etc. can be used. Another solution is to arrange a wall with a “live veil” from ampelous plants, for this under the ceiling you can strengthen pots in which plants are planted. True, the creation of such a living wall will require a certain time.