Most often during the repair, the wallpaper is required. New wallpapers are not recommended to stick to the old ones, as this will most likely lead to the fact that the wallpaper is filled. Therefore, the old coating from the wallpaper is necessarily removed. If the previous wallpapers held on a good, smooth wall, then their removal should pass easily. But it happens that the wallpaper was glued to the wallpaper not removed, and if the apartment is old, then there may be several such layers. First you need to check how the wallpaper leaves. Put the top or bottom from one strip and stretch smoothly. If removed, it’s good.
You need to tear off smoothly, accurately and without sudden movements. It happens that each strip is peeled off in different ways. The surface of the wall itself can affect this, as well as its location. For example, by the window near the battery, where dampness is replaced by hot air, the strip may disappear itself. Therefore, before starting the installation of plastic windows, check your batteries, if they flow, then you first have to change them and then do the installation of windows.
But if there are several layers of wallpaper simply with their hands, most likely not to remove. So use hot water. Wallpaper must be wetted with a sponge or spray. After they are soaked, they are removed with a spatula.
But if the old wallpaper is kept on a strong adhesive base, it is better to remove them with a hot iron. Through the moistened cotton fabric, you need to iron a difficult place and immediately remove the wallpaper until the glue is frozen again.