The foundation is the main part of the construction, on the strength of which the quality of the future building depends. For this reason, a full -bodied brick is the choice of builders, since it is one of the most durable materials, and has high resistance to temperature drops and wear. In addition to bricks, other building materials are also used for construction.
Full -bodied brick is mainly found in two types – silicate and ceramic. Silicate brick is made, mixing lime and sand. This composition slightly reduces the level of strength of the material, excluding the possibility of using it to lay the foundation, but it does not immediately dump it from the accounts, since it is very good for building walls of houses and partitions.
Ceramic brick, as a rule, is made of clay, without any additions, and is considered an ideal material for laying the foundation of the future building.
When choosing a ceramic brick, you need to know that it should not have any stains, lime additions, chips and any other defects. You can check the high quality of such bricks when it tapped it. If the brick is made subject to all rules and technologies, then you can hear a characteristic ring. The color of the brick should be red-brown, and deviations from it are considered a violation of the rules for the production of this material.
Choosing a brick, we must not forget about the possible risk that people will be subjected to if the building is built on the foundation of poor -quality brick.