Deciding to arrange one of the walls using photo wallpaper, you will get an unusual and at the same time beautiful interior, and you will not need to spend a large amount of effort.
In order for the murals to look beautifully on the surface of the wall, you should think well about which drawing is best used for this or that room.
If you made the choice of photo wallpaper, then you will have the task of gluing them. In order to save some funds, you will have to glue the photo wallpaper yourself.
Since modern murals can be applied to various surfaces, then it is best to buy a special glue that is suitable for gluing them. In order to facilitate your task, it is best to pre -lay out the murals on the floor, and only after that it will be possible to start gluing.
As for the glue, it is divorced according to the instructions that are on each glue package, and then this glue will need to be applied to the wall and the canvas itself. The rest of the gluing process will be performed in the same way as when gluing ordinary wallpapers. Wall murals should be glued so that there are no voids between the canvases.