Very often we independently carry out repairs. As a result, spending a lot of time and effort, we notice that the workpieces are far from perfection. To protect you from unpleasant moments associated with cleaning and plaster surfaces, we will tell the basic requirements for these works. If the air temperature exceeds 23 ° C, the brick walls before plaster must be moistened. When using improved or high -quality plaster, use beacons equal in terms of the thickness of the plaster coating density, while the covering layer is not taken into account. Single -layer coatings need to be aligned after the solution is applied. Когда же прошло схватывание, следует применить затирочную машинку. If the coating is multi -layer, then the application of each subsequent layer is allowed only after the lower. The same rule applies to the covering layer, which is applied only when the solution grabs. But you need to level the soil before the start of setting. In the case of the use of sheets from gypsum plaster, then to glue them to the brick walls, it is necessary to use the compositions that correspond to the project, they are attached to the wooden walls using nails with wide hats.