According to the types of structures, suspended ceilings can be divided into two main types – these are continuous and modular ceilings. Modular ceilings are very often used for ceiling finishing work. All modules (rails, panels, tiles, etc. D.), of which these ceilings consist, are tightly interconnected with each other. The frame of these ceilings can be either hidden or dedicated. The installation of modular suspended ceilings does not require much effort, and in case of damage to any element, it is very easy to produce both its full and partial replacement. Continuous ceilings at the visual level are practically no different from ordinary. They consist of drywall sheets that allow you to make the ceiling surface perfectly smooth. This type of suspended ceilings has absolutely all the advantages inherent in modular ceilings. They are also very easy to mount and repair, any communications under them are easily hidden, and the possibility of design is almost limitless. But continuous suspended ceilings have one small drawback – if they are installed, you will have to think about the presence of hatches through which access to communications will be made.